Genuary 2021 - days 10+11

Combining two prompts of #genuary2021 into a audio based tree generator!

Genuary is a series of prompts to inspire generated art in the month of January. You can find a list of the prompts here:

You can see all of my genuary art and more by following me on twitter:

Since I spent yesterday working on the bash raytracer, today I implemented something satisfying both yesterday’s and today’s prompts. The prompts were "TREE" and Use something other than a computer as an autonomous process.

So, I made a tree generator that is controlled by the microphone input. There’s some parameters you can play around with to influence the tree growth. Honestly, I feel like this entry is kinda low effort - I wanted to do something with the frequency of the audio as well, so I might revisit this idea for a future prompt or something.

Click start below to see it in action!

Written on January 11, 2021